I've often found that large amounts of hype for a movie usually end up being a bad thing. Your expectations are raised so high that once you finally get the chance to see the movie you've heard raved about for months prior, it can never live up to those expectations. It's happened recently with Hatchet. Such is unfortunately the case with The Hills Run Red. Now don't get me wrong, it's an above average horror flick with an awesome concept and a pretty badass killer, it's just not really anything special. For those who don't know much about the movie, here's a brief synopsis....
A notorious horror movie by the name of The Hills Run Red was released in the early 1980's and only a select few layed eyes on it's final print before it was inexpectedly pulled from theaters for being to violent in it's all too realistic bloodshed. All copies of the film were mysteriously lost, but a young film student and horror fanatic named Tyler sets a goal to find one last print. Alongside a couple friends and the thought to be dead director of the film's stripper daughter, Tyler sets out for the woods to check out the movie's filming locations, in an effort to provide some answers by makeing a documentary surrounding it. What they find is that The Hills Run Red is more than just a movie and it's killer, Babyface, is more than just a character dreamed up from the mind of a sadistic filmmaker.
Although we've seen this concept before in John Carpenter's Masters of Horror episode entitled Cigarette Burns, you can't argue against the fact that it's an awesome concept. The reason I got so intregued in the concept is because I, and pretty much any horror fan, can easily relate to. If I've ever heard of a mysterious film like this you'd expect me to be as curious as Tyler. It's like you and your friends visiting the actual campsite used in the Friday the 13th films only to find out that Jason is actually real. That's a pretty awesome concept for a slasher set up, but unfortunetly that's all this films got going for it, the cool concept. I felt that this was a story that was packed with lame plot and twists and turns that didn't deliver too much of what I wanted or expected from it. Not that it's bad for attempting to have a complex plotline, I just didn't think all of it was necessary.
The movie inside the movie - here only hinted at through a 'crude' trailer and some pupblisity stills - looks like alot better of a movie than what I watched. That's the movie that I wanted to watch in the first place. Seeing Babyface brutally kill poeple is all I really wanted from this, and don't get me wrong, we are treated to this, but I just can't get past the fact of what this could have been but sadly wasn't. I could talk the world of how cool Babyface is (possible custom Halloween costume idea?), and there are some cool kills, just not good enough to stick up there with some of the more memorable kills in slasher history. There is however enough nude Sophie Monk to satiate anyone's desires, so that's a plus.
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