Huge Jackman as Logan (Wolverine)
Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool
Taylor Kitsch as Gambit
Directed by Galvin Hood
So, the makers of the franchise expansion "X-men Origins: Wolverine" have now revealed the psychological roots behind Wolverine, whose knuckles conceal long and wicked blades, and his famous 'berserker rage' (you have to be a comic nerd like me to understand) that has caused the angry Marvel hero to bare these adimantium claws for the first time. But, is he still the best there is at what he does?
Logan (or, shall we call him by his birth name, James) has quite the interesting origin story to start off the film with. Young James, born in the 1800's, first popped the claws and killed his father. Interesting. Then, were shown him being in all the major American wars, fighting along side his brother Victor (played ferociously by Liev Schreiber, in a good way). But, this sadly only takes up twenty minuets of the movie. The real story revolves around a squad of mutants led by the villainous William Stryker.
This is where the film makers decided to throw in some beloved mutants for their 5 min time in the spotlight (and then, sadly we'll never see them again). Ryan Reynolds is great as the merc with a mouth, Deadpool. Well, until they ruined his character toward the end of the film. Taylor Kitsch is pretty spot on for Gambit. The special effects ranged from great to Sci-fi channel bad. Wolverine's claws looked very fake at some points. Will there be another outing for Wolverine? It's inevitable. At some points, the action presented here is great. But as for story, not so much. Two things which usually mix well in a faithful comic adaption. Hopefully this time they'll get it right.
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